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This is no Joke!
There's no doubt the Earth is warming, but what is the major
actual reason? -
, and
Old Sol is now radiating more energy than is historically normal!
Cajun Jokes is committed to helping reduce Bull Sh*t emissions! which are continuing to
blame cow farts
as a significant cause of global warming.
The fact is the Earth has been, at times, warmed and cooled by the action.
or inaction, of our Sun all by itself, which is a scientific and historical fact!
Why else would the Norsemen, who always called things as they saw them, have apparently misnamed
a northern, arctic, icy wasteland, calling it Greenland?!
"Scientists have determined that from A.D. 800 to 1300, southern Greenland was much warmer than it is today." (National Geographic)
This could only have happened if the Sun was raidiating more energy then than it is even now!